


Saturday, July 9, 2011

I'm so damn different...and on the NBA

The beauty of life is uniqueness. We are so damn unique that there is often someone who is similar to us in some way. A person or event, either current or in history that has gone through the same unique situation that we are going through at that very moment. So to hold it in and act as if no one can understand what you're going through is ridiculous. There is someone that can help, or at least sympathize. It's important for your sanity to make sure to get shit off your chest. Or else you might go crazy.

Just like I'm going crazy. But not quite because of things I need to get off my chest. I'm going crazy because I'm scared that there won't be an NBA season. I won't get to see Kobe defy his age and the miles on his body and lead his team to a championship, even though we know it's not exactly his team anymore because, well, he's got too many damn miles on his body. I won't get to vote against the Heat for the simple fact that I really don't like the Heat and not that I necessarily don't like Lebron, although I really don't like the egomaniac. As a side note, I just wish Lebron would work his ass off. He has the most talent of anyone I've ever seen play a sport. I mean he was gifted with the perfect body to play whatever position he wanted and he could play practically any sport. He is fast, agile, and coordinated. That's mostly why I don't like him. I feel like he doesn't give his all enough. Only when people piss him off enough or when he has his own agenda. Otherwise I see him disengaged a little bit. Anyways I hope the NBA doesn't lose any time and the players are still paid fairly. Without the NBA there is college basketball and everything but I'm excited for this season. There is so much more parity in the league. I think I really am obsessed with this issue. Whatever, Bill Simmons for commissioner.

That is all

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