


Saturday, July 16, 2011


I'm sitting here trying to figure out what really motivates me. What means so much to me that it will make me do whatever I need to do. It was always soccer for me. I can't play right now, so what is my motivation? I've always felt like a self made man, like I made my fortune as well as my bad luck. I sort of brought everything that happens to me against myself, both good and bad. So I can make up something that will move me to do something. But really what is my motivation? Shit, what is your motivation? What is the motivation of a player like Kobe Bryant? He has all the money he could ever want, money that he couldn't spend in three lifetimes. He's been the best player in the league. So what makes the man keep going? It's honestly a hard question to answer. It's hard for anyone to say what it is that keep them going. I think that for a lot of people, the answer to what is their motivation is success. However that person may measure success, that is the motivation. For me, it has become getting back to being fully healthy. For Kobe it may be to be considered in the class with Jordan. And for you it may be to have enough money to support yourself and your family, to live a comfortable life. I'm not really sure about anything as far as all this is concerned. I just wanna live and live well.

That is all

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